This is an example to create a ( no Preview ) windows master for labbuildr

$winserviso = Receive-LABWinservISO -Destination $labdefaults.Sourcedir -winserv_ver 2016 -lang en_US  
$newvmx = New-VMX -VMXName 2016_1705 -Type Server2016 -Firmware EFI  
$disk = New-VMXScsiDisk -NewDiskSize 200GB -NewDiskname disk0 -Path $newvmx.Path  
$disk | Add-VMXScsiDisk -VMXName $newvmx.VMXName -config $newvmx.Config -LUN 0 -Controller 0 -VirtualSSD | Out-Null 
$newvmx | Connect-VMXcdromImage -ISOfile $winserviso.fullname -Contoller sata -Port 0:1 | Out-Null  
$newvmx | Set-VMXNetworkAdapter -Adapter 0 -AdapterType vmxnet3 -ConnectionType bridged
$newvmx | start-vmx | Out-Null  



Install vmware tools with setup64.exe

Once the master is created, connect to git to download:

$sysprep = 'C:\sysprep'
New-Item -ItemType Directory $sysprep -Force | Out-Null
Set-Location $sysprep
foreach ($uri in ("",
    $file = Split-Path -Leaf $uri
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile (Join-Path $sysprep $file)

Once done with teh Master Creation delete all files except the VMDK and vmx, and remove all UUID, Bios and MAC information from the .vmx )

Pack the complete folder into a 7z and place the file into Master.Labbuildr folder.

Labbuildr will catchup from there

Creating a Preview Master

Preview Masters require one initial step 1. Prepare Base Machine:

# you have to download the iso file for preview from Server insider
# you have do download the iso file for WS 1709 from MSDN or Volume License

[System.IO.FileInfo]$winserviso = "$HOME/Downloads/Windows_InsiderPreview_Server_16278.iso"
$Winserv = 'WS_Preview_RS4'
$newvmx = New-VMX -VMXName $Winserv -Type Server2016 -Firmware EFI  
$disk = New-VMXScsiDisk -NewDiskSize 200GB -NewDiskname disk0 -Path $newvmx.Path  
$disk | Add-VMXScsiDisk -VMXName $newvmx.VMXName -config $newvmx.Config -LUN 0 -Controller 0 -VirtualSSD | Out-Null 
$newvmx | Connect-VMXcdromImage -ISOfile $winserviso.fullname -Contoller sata -Port 0:1 | Out-Null  
$newvmx | Set-VMXNetworkAdapter -Adapter 0 -AdapterType vmxnet3 -ConnectionType bridged
$newvmx | start-vmx | Out-Null  

Once host has configured, enter powershell into the cmd shell to start powershell

once in Powershell, run

  1. Inject vmware tools cd, run

once in Powershell, run


reboot VM when install has finished.

Now start Powershell again and Run:

$sysprep = 'C:\sysprep'
New-Item -ItemType Directory $sysprep -Force | Out-Null
Set-Location $sysprep
foreach ($uri in ("",
    $file = Split-Path -Leaf $uri
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile (Join-Path $sysprep $file)


Once done with the Master Creation delete all files except the VMDK and vmx, and remove all UUID, Bios and MAC information fromn the .vmx or use the templates here: (rename to .vmx)

Pack thee complete folder into a 7z and place the file into Master.Labbuildr folder.

Labbuildr will catchup from there