this guide describes how to deploy A scom testbed using the EMC Storage Integrator


follow the deployment, and choose some otional hosts/Storage Devices to install:

after the ESI Powershell is installed, verify the service is up and Running


browse to https://localhost:54501/esi/console to view the Service for you webbrowser

Adding systems ( on Controller node, EG, Blanknode ):

Add add UnityVSA to ESI Service:

first, verify connection with uemcli

uemcli.exe -d -u admin -p Password123! /sys/soft/ver show -detail

Add the System

$params = @{"Username"="admin";"Password"="Password123!";"ManagementIp"=""};
Add-EmcSystem -SystemType Unity -Params $params -UserFriendlyName UnityVSA

add a ScaleIO System

$params = @{"Username"="admin";"Password"="Password123!";"IpAddress"=""};
Add-EmcSystem -SystemType ScaleIO -Params $params -UserFriendlyName SIO_HyperV


verify the system has added to the ESI Console with https://localhost:54501/esi/console


Now proceed with the install of the SCOM Management Packs on SCOM Host

Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/i `"\\vmware-host\shared Folders\sources\esi\ESI.SCOM.ManagementPacks.\ESI.SCOM.ManagementPacks.`" /passive /log c:\scripts\esilog" -Wait -PassThru

On the SCOM Server

install management packs

Open SCOM Powershell to import the Management Packs into SCOM

Get-SCOMManagementPack -ManagementPackFile 'C:\Program Files (x86)\EMC\ESI SCOM Management Packs\*.*'
Import-SCOMManagementPack -Fullname 'C:\Program Files (x86)\EMC\ESI SCOM Management Packs\*.*'

deploy Management Agent to ESI Controller

$PrimaryMgmtServer = Get-SCOMManagementServer -ComputerName "SCOM.labbuildr.local"
Install-SCOMAgent -DNSHostName "gennode1.labbuildr.local" -PrimaryManagementServer $PrimaryMgmtServer

edit regitry on ESI Host for Store Maximum

Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\HealthService\Parameters -Value 0x00001400 -Type dword -name "Persistence Version Store Maximum"
Restart-Service HealthService

create object discovery override for ESI Host

In SCOM Management Console, go to --> Authoring --Discovery and search for EMC SI Sevice Discovery right click on Overrides, Override the Object Discovery, for a specific Object of Class Windows Computer image Select teh ESI Controller host Adjust the Values


Wait some time for the Discovery Cycles to Fully discover your ESI Environment

Example Override Summary
