about install-esxi.ps1

insatll-esxi.ps1 installs e ESXi (6) Server in labbuildr the Installation uses a customized ISO for kickstarting
the iso is downloaded automatically

to run the installer, simply run

.\install-esxi.ps1 -Defaults -esxi_ver '6.0.0.update02'  

if you want to try the esxui fling, use

.\install-esxi.ps1 -Defaults -esxi_ver '6.0.0.update02' -esxui 

prebuilt nfs

you can prepare your labbuildr dcnode for serving nfs
just execute .\dcnode\configure-nfs.ps1 from the labbuildr Shell on dcnode all required roles will be installed and a nfs share will be created
if you then call the installer with

.\install-esxi.ps1 -Defaults -esxi_ver '6.0.0.update02' -esxui -nfs 

the SWDEPOT NFS Datastore will be available



currently, '6.0.0.update02' and '6.0.0.update01' ISO´s are available, patch Levels are in the work