install-centos is used to install a new, blank centos system.
it is a general purpose machine to be used for sdc / networker storage node / iscsi or other things.
options to pre-install a praphical ui like cinnamon desktop are available.
the sources directory is available via /mnt/hgfs
start the installer with

.\install-centos.ps1 -Defaults -centos_ver 7

this will launch the centos install. if no master is available for $MasterPath, labbuildr will ask for download ( remember, -confirm:$false will do without asking )
image once the master is extracted an prepared, the vm will be prepared and boot for customization

during the node configuration, all bash commands with return state are beeing displayed

to view the passwords of the vm in the annotation, just enter:

Get-VMX .\Centos1\ | Get-VMXAnnotation


passwordless authentication is supported vi ssh rsa keys. see


    C:\labbuildr2016\install-centos.ps1 -Defaults [-Disks <Int32>] [-centos_ver <String>] [-Desktop <String>] [-Nodes <Int32>] [-Startnode
    <Int32>] [-Defaultsfile <Object>] [-forcedownload] [-ip_startrange <Int32>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

    C:\labbuildr2016\install-centos.ps1 [-Disks <Int32>] [-centos_ver <String>] [-Desktop <String>] [-Sourcedir <Object>] [-Nodes <Int32>]
    [-Startnode <Int32>] [-subnet <IPAddress>] [-BuildDomain <String>] [-vmnet <Object>] [-forcedownload] [-ip_startrange <Int32>] [-WhatIf]
    [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
      [-Disks <Int32>] 
      [-centos_ver <String>] 
          Centos Version to use. 
          Must correlate with version of an available source master
      [-Desktop <String>] 
          What desktop to install.
          Can be "cinnamon" or "none" (default: "none")
      [-Nodes <Int32>] 
          Number of nodes to install. Default is 1
      [-Startnode <Int32>] 
          Start numbering the nodes at this number.
      [-Defaultsfile <Object>] 
      [-ip_startrange <Int32>] 
          Last octet of the ip address which to assign to the nodes.
          First ip assigned will be ip_startrange+startnode.
          I.e. if you start at startnode=1 and ip_startrange=100,
          the first IP will be X.X.X.101
          If you think this to be too confusing, just start your nodes at 0
      [-Size <Object>] 
          Choose a size for the VM. 
          See source code of build-lab for sizes and what they mean.
          Does nothing. Not found in source code.