I have a recurring task where I need a bunch of Linux VMs to do a distributed binary install of ViPR SRM on them. I solved this with yet another wrapper script using the install_centos.ps1.

It can install, start, stop and remove VMs for distributed and all-in-one setups. You will find your install sources mounted under /mnt/SRMshare (providing you tweak the script to your system)

The challenge for me was getting different sizes on the VMs and having the prereqs for SRM install present.

Update: Installed ViPR SRM 4.0.1 on this setup. 4.0.1 by default installs the health collectors on all hosts. Thus, increase memory for the two backends (viprsrm1 and 2) to 2 GB.

# Setup one or many Linux boxes to install ViPR SRM on

param (
    Can be one of the following:
        'aio'       Setup one Centos for All-In-One installation
        'distrib'   Setup four Centos for distributed install:
                       viprsrm0 - XL - Frontend
                       viprsrm1 -  L - Prim Backend
                       viprsrm2 -  L - Additional Backend
                       viprsrm3 - XL - Collector

function Wait-VMXStatus
    $vmx_act=Get-VMX -vmxname $vmx.vmxname
        $vmx_act=Get-VMX -vmxname $vmx.vmxname
        write-output "VM $vmxname is in state of $vmxstate, waiting for it to be $state"
        sleep 5
    while ($vmx_act.state -NotMatch $state)

if($Type -eq 'nothing')
    write-output "choose an install type (aio or distrib)"
    exit 1
if($Action -eq 'none')
    write-output "choose an action: start/stop/install/remove"
    exit 1

if($Action -eq 'start')
    if($Type -eq 'distrib')
        get-vmx|where vmxname -like "viprsrm?" | start-vmx
    if($Type -eq 'aio')
        get-vmx|where vmxname -match viprsrmaio0| start-vmx
    # we don't want to install the thing
    exit 0

if($Action -eq 'stop')
    if($Type -eq 'distrib')
        get-vmx|where vmxname -like "viprsrm?" | stop-vmx
    if($Type -eq 'aio')
        get-vmx|where vmxname -match viprsrmaio0| stop-vmx
    # we don't want to install the thing
    exit 0

if($Action -eq 'install')
    if($Type -eq 'aio')
        ./install-centos.ps1 -Defaults -centos_ver 7_1_1511 -Nodeprefix viprsrmaio -ip_startrange 99 -startnode 0 -nodes 1 -size XL
        $vm=get-vmx | where vmxname -eq viprsrmaio0
        Wait-VMXStatus -vmx $vm -state "stopped"
        $vm|set-vmxmemory -MemoryMB 6144
        $vm | start-vmx
        Wait-VMXStatus -vmx $vm -state "running"
        $vm|Set-VMXSharedFolder -add -Sharename SRMShare -Folder C:\Users\schnem4\Documents\70-Software\SRM_W4N
        $vm | Invoke-VMXBash -Guestuser root -Guestpassword Password123! -Scriptblock "yes|yum install unzip libaio bindutils"
        $vm | Invoke-VMXBash -Guestuser root -Guestpassword Password123! -Scriptblock "rm /etc/localtime;ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime"
        $vm | Invoke-VMXBash -Guestuser root -Guestpassword Password123! -Scriptblock "/usr/bin/vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync enable"

    if($Type -eq 'distrib')
        ./install-centos.ps1 -Defaults -centos_ver 7_1_1511 -Nodeprefix viprsrm -ip_startrange 110 -startnode 0 -nodes 4 -size M
        for($i=0;$i -le 3;$i++)
            $vm = get-vmx | where vmxname -eq viprsrm$i
            if( ($i -eq 0) -or ($i -eq 3) )
                $vm | stop-vmx
                Wait-VMXStatus -vmx $vm -state "stopped"
                $vm = get-vmx | where vmxname -eq viprsrm$i
                $vm |set-vmxmemory -MemoryMB 4096
                $vm | start-vmx
                Wait-VMXStatus -vmx $vm -state "running"
            $vm | Set-VMXSharedFolder -add -Sharename SRMShare -Folder C:\Users\schnem4\Documents\70-Software\SRM_W4N
            $vm | Invoke-VMXBash -Guestuser root -Guestpassword Password123! -Scriptblock "yes|yum install unzip libaio bindutils"
            $vm | Invoke-VMXBash -Guestuser root -Guestpassword Password123! -Scriptblock "rm /etc/localtime;ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime"
            $vm | Invoke-VMXBash -Guestuser root -Guestpassword Password123! -Scriptblock "/usr/bin/vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync enable"

if($Action -eq 'remove')
    if($Type -eq 'aio')
        $vm=get-vmx | where vmxname -eq viprsrmaio0
        $vm | stop-vmx
        $vm | remove-vmx
    if($Type -eq 'distrib')
        for($i=0;$i -le 3;$i++)
            $vm = get-vmx | where vmxname -eq viprsrm$i
            $vm | stop-vmx
            $vm | remove-vmx

if($Action -eq 'fixme')