install-mesos including support for emc rexray volume driver and scaleio

mesos with rexray requires a running scaleio environment. i recommend ScaleIO SVM Solutionpack In this example, ScleIO SVM was deployed and now additional Volumes / SDC´s are created.
Please make sure to approve the MDM Certificates via the REST Gateway on https://gatewayip:443/rest.jsp image if you are not using a labbuildr deployed scaleio environment, create a scaleioenv.xml file in the labbuildr dir similar to


you can test the configfile with



we start the dployment using

.\install-mesos.ps1 -Defaults -rexray

mesos / rexray requires the Centos7 Master. if it is not found in the defaults Masterpath, it will be dowbloaded and extracted from labbuildr repo


once the download is finished, labbuildr will check for ScaleIO Linux Binaries. ScaleIO Binaries are required for the SDC to enable Container / Application Persisitence on mesos nodes.
if not found, labbuildr will fetch the latest binaries from

image once all downloads are finished, a default of 3 mesos is created. the nodes will start, and each nodes get a starting configuration: image the sdc gets installed with pointing to the mdm`s provided in the scaleio config file. each individual node configuration is finished once docker and zookeper are configured and started:


once all nodes are configured, the rexray configuration is pushed to the hosts and the rexray service is enabled. image

a default application not using volume persistence, and a docker postgres container is created using marathon


check the ScaleIO UI for new registerd SDC´s and Volumes:
image image

verify the sdc / rexray / container status from the node the container is running on

rexray volume list
docker ps


do the same from any other node: image