

install-scaleiosvm installs a 3-Node ScaleIO Cluster based upon the ScaleIO VMware Storage Virtual Machine ( SVM ).
the process is devided in 2 steps: import install


we import the SVM with

.\install-scaleiosvm.ps1 -import

labbuildr will select the sourcedir from defaults as well as the master directory
if no svm to import is found, you will be asked fro download ( can be surpressed with -confirm:$false ) image

the download i then started by using the labbuildr command receive-labscaleio


during the import, you may see some warnings from the ova tool, you can just ignore them. when the import is successfull, the command for creating a default ScaleIO Cluster is presented:



the installaion is started with

.\install-scaleiosvm.ps1 -ScaleIOMaster C:\SharedMaster\ScaleIOVM_2nics_2.0.6035.0

labbuildr will first will check for the specified master and cerate a base snapshot. after the basesnapshot is done, 3 VM´s are cerated, and each get a default of 3 additional diskdrives


in the node configuration sequence, labbuildr will show the commands issued to the nodes for base configuration and scaleio software installation

in the configure scaleio section, a Default Scaleio Cluster is created

all commands issued are shown in the output image thw comlete installation shouls be donw within 6 Minutes:

